Designed to bring together senior industry leaders with the pioneers in technology, our AI matchmaking system enables visitors and exhibitors to pre-arrange meetings with other attendees ahead of and during the event – taking the guess work out of networking so that you can maximise your opportunity!
All of our exhibitors and attendees will be on this platform, providing you with a key engagement opportunity unlike any other.
Every visitor and exhibitor has the opportunity to access our booking system as part of their registration, there is no need to fill out your details again. Simply register for your place and we'll send your login details.
Network with attendees and exhibitors before and during the event through our platform. We know how busy events get, so we have provided this platform to help you plan your business meetings more effectively.
Arrange business meetings easily and increase your engagement time with industry experts, attendees and technology leaders. Our platform allows you to request meetings with the people you want to meet before the event!
Browse through our list of confirmed attendees and arrange your one-on-one meetings. Our matchmaking tools are designed to help you identify and find the perfect partners, investors and prospects.
2 weeks before, we’ll provide you with login details to the platform.
Browse the list of attendees and find the people that you want to meet with on the day.
Pre-book 1-to-1 meetings, pick your sessions and prepare for a full day of networking.
Easily check and update your schedule for the day (iOS & Andriod)